Islanders have been getting crafty ahead of the Coronation of King Charles III.

Dozens of postbox toppers have popped up around the Isle of Wight in preparation for the upcoming weekend.

Whether they have been knitted or carefully crotched, here are just some of those we've spotted across the Island...


In Godshill, a topper depicting King Charles III and Queen Camilla has appeared.

Their royal highnesses are accompanied by two members of the King's Guard.

Isle of Wight County Press: The postbox topper in Godshill.The postbox topper in Godshill. (Image: Leif Marriner)


Sitting on top of a Union flag, on a postbox in Gurnard, is the crown jewels and a King's Guard.

This topper was made by Debbie Hall, a name you may recognise from Plaza Ices.

Isle of Wight County Press: The postbox topper in Gurnard.The postbox topper in Gurnard. (Image: Leif Marriner)


In Carisbrooke, sits King Charles III on his throne.

Christine Cronin created the topper, which is on top of a postbox outside the Co-op.

Isle of Wight County Press: The King outside Carisbrooke Co-op.The King outside Carisbrooke Co-op. (Image: Leif Marriner)

Also in Carisbrooke, on Kinchington Road, is another Christine Cronin design.

This time, it shows the King and Queen alongside the Crown Jewels and a King's Guard.

Isle of Wight County Press: Another topper in Carisbrooke, from Christine Cronin.Another topper in Carisbrooke, from Christine Cronin. (Image: Leif Marriner)


Outside Freshwater Parish Council, you'll find two Union flags, a depiction of the Crown Jewels and the words 'God save the King'.

Isle of Wight County Press: Outside Freshwater Parish Council.Outside Freshwater Parish Council. (Image: Paul Blackley)


Sitting on the Throne Room on a postbox is another depiction of King Charles III and Queen Camillia.

This can be found in Rookley.

Isle of Wight County Press: In Rookley is the King and Queen Consort.In Rookley is the King and Queen Consort. (Image: Leif Marriner)


In Alverstone, is the King and the Crown Jewels.

Isle of Wight County Press: The King and the Crown Jewels in Alverstone.The King and the Crown Jewels in Alverstone. (Image: Pamela Parker)


This one can be seen in Shanklin.

Isle of Wight County Press: A topper in Shanklin.A topper in Shanklin. (Image: Leif Marriner)


Another crown - this time it is purple and sat on a purple pillow.

Isle of Wight County Press: A crown on a pillow.A crown on a pillow. (Image: Leif Marriner)



In Cowes, a carefully created royal carriage has rolled into town.

Here it is...

Isle of Wight County Press: A carriage in Cowes.A carriage in Cowes. (Image: Leif Marriner)

Do you know who designed any of the above toppers — or have we missed one?

Let us know at